your efforts and responses from that agency. For example, if an agency requests that you
submit an email inquiry, save your email communications along with the records. Although
USCIS typically requests “certified” records, we’ve not yet had a case denied when we
submit copies that are not certified. But, that doesn’t mean your case will not be the first
to be denied for that reason. Do the best you can because some cases may end up in court.
Tip: Get certified copies of records if you can afford it, but don’t stress too much if the cost
seems unreasonable and you don’t want to do it. Of course, if you sense that a particular
document is important and can afford to get that one certified, then do it. An example
would be your plea, which can include the facts upon which you pled.
Unavailable Records: Records are considered unavailable when there is a diligent search
for them that fails. The person who attempts to obtain certain records (yourself, attorney,
a court runner, etc.) should provide a sworn affidavit summarizing the attempts.
Sealed Records: Sealed records are not necessarily unavailable. For example, court
records that involve a minor victim are often sealed. It helps to learn what it takes to
unseal them. Sealed records that cannot be obtained for US immigration purposes are
“unavailable.” We need to show that the sealed records cannot reasonably be unsealed
and obtained for this case.
Police Records:
Tip: Pull a complete copy of your police records, also known as police reports.
These can usually be pulled directly from the police department where the offense occurred.
If one cannot be obtained, please ask for a statement from the department clearly addressing
the crime, and confirming records are unavailable.
Court Records:
Tip: Pull a complete, plain copy of your court records. You can decide if some
documents should be certified. Specifically, USCIS wants the following court records:
● Indictment filed in court against you;
● Any amended indictment, modifying the charges;
● Any plea struck;
● Any conviction by trial, judge or jury;
o If a conviction is after trial, try to get the jury instructions and findings by the
judge or jury.
● Any presentence report by probation;
● Your criminal sentence, including sentencing terms;
● Probation or parole report that you successfully completed your sentence;
● Evidence of rehabilitation. Statements from judges or probation officers about your
rehabilitation are extremely helpful. An expungement is helpful; and
● Any evidence of dismissal or finding of non-guilt.
For some records, you may need to contact the probation or parole office as noted below.