Thank you for your efforts to secure a K1 Visa for my fiancee. I’m also hoping to obtain a Visitor Visa for the interpreter who L. and I used while I was in the Ukraine last month. She was very skilled and helpful and is a trusted friend of my fiancee. At your convenience, please forward any information you may possess pertaining to the process required to obtain such a visa and the cost of your assistance. In reference to my K1 Visa application, I couldn’t be more impressed with your efficiency, attention to detail and the response time. It is so refreshing to deal with professionals who are serious about their work.
I will push my fiancee to concentrate on the documents that YOU need to file with the USCIS. I think she’s getting mixed messages from her friends in the Ukraine. It’s becoming clear to me now that the other documents that she is struggling to produce are required of the Ukraine and not of the USCIS.
Again, thank you for your help. I’m used to paying money “up front” and then begging for service. However, you guys are extremely efficient and responsive to your client’s concerns, which is very impressive and for which I am very grateful.
Thank you!