The U.S. government views COVID vaccinations to be a public good in preventing social diseases. Consequently, foreigners must be vaccinated in order to obtain US immigration benefits such as visas and green cards. US citizens and those who already have green cards do not fall under this requirement.
A waiver of the COVID vaccination is possible in order to receive immigration benefits. Here are the basic requirements:
- You oppose vaccinations in any form;
- Your objection is based on religious beliefs or moral convictions; and
- Your belief or conviction is sincere.
Religious exemption
A vaccination waiver based on religious grounds must normally include your sincere declaration that you are opposed to vaccinations. But, your personal convictions alone are not enough without basing those convictions in scriptures or other religious precepts.
Moral exemption
A similar approach applies to moral convictions. Moral convictions generally have no god-head, and yet there must be a moral foundation you identify which supports your claim that the need for a waiver is sincere and justified.
Essentially, your personal desires must be supported by other evidence which validates your claim, thereby overriding the stated public good of having our US population vaccinated.
Please let us know whether you would like assistance in obtaining a vaccination waiver. We can quote a legal fee to review your claims, advise as to the strengths of such claims, and process.
Clients in All 50 States and Abroad
Our team of attorneys and support staff is able to work on your immigration matters from the convenience of your location whether you are in the U.S. or currently residing abroad. We come to you using the latest technologies to help make your life easy.
There are a wide variety of immigration lawyers offering legal services. There are also quite a number of unlicensed “legal assistants” offering help. It’s difficult to know what immigration assistance is really required and how to obtain the services of a competent immigration law firm at a reasonable cost. Allan Lolly & Assoc. offers expert legal advice and works efficiently to help keep costs reasonable.
Call for Assistance
Consider a licensed, professional immigration legal representative before proceeding. Immigration law is large and diverse, covering many types of immigration. Government agencies have become increasingly adversarial. Don’t take risks. Have our team on your side to prevent avoidable delays, anticipate problems, and effectively navigate your matter toward successful completion. We provide a free initial consultation for those interested in possibly working with us on case processing, and we’re happy to answer your questions.
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