Which countries as an alternative can we be married with less red tape then in Russia and that would be mutually recognized by Russia and USA?
Allan in your experience and knowledge which countries as an alternative can we be married with less red tape then in Russia and that would be mutually recognized by Russia and USA?
There are marriage destination wedding spots all over the world. Las Vegas is one example. Suppose two Italians fly to Las Vegas and marry, then return to Italy. They are married for all purposes. The only time a marriage is not recognized by U.S. immigration rules is when it is against U.S. public policy, such as a bigamous marriage or same sex marriage (currently). Otherwise, a marriage is valid if it is performed in accordance with the laws of that place.
Marriage destinations include Cyprus, Thailand, most islands in the Caribbean, Denmark, and I believe Gibraltar. There are many other places as well. Not every place allows foreigners to come and marry. Destination weddings help support a local tourism industry so you need to find a place that allows foreigners to marry. Google “worldwide marriage destination spots” for more information. Ask about wedding packages. Check to make sure you both can obtain visitor visas to visit that country so you can marry there.
If you can marry, then the marriage is recognized worldwide.
Kindly, Allan
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A good place to find quick research about how to marry in other countries is the US Consulate’s website for that country. For example, here is a link to information regarding how to marry in Cyprus: http://cyprus.usembassy.gov/uscitizen/marrage.html.
You need to visit the US Consulate website of whichever country you wish to marry in. Then search for information regarding marriage in that country. I hope this helps.
Yes, thanks. This is a helpful comment. The caution is not to rely solely on what a U.S. consulate posts online. Postings have good information, but are not entirely reliable.
It is best for a foreigner to check locally to confirm marriage requirements or to speak with a marriage broker in that locality. Rules change. Also, there can be variations in local communities. What works in a large city may not work in a small town or village.
When you travel abroad for the purpose of marriage, do your best to ensure that what actually happens on the ground when you arrive matches your research.
If during my fiance visa interview at the consulate of Ghana he was denied because of engagement photos and my lawyer and the consulate tell me i should reapply for marriage status and we are not married and we don’t have a certicate or anything to prove marriage what do i do let this error go and appeal even though they the consulate said that my case is expired and will be denied but when i received a response letter from Ghana consulate the information was contradictive assuring me my right as well as uscis sights that assures me i can appeal i can apply for a waiver and thos matter can be dealt with without going back to Ghana to marry in Ghana just to appease this lying officer what should i do?
Michelle, Your attorney needs to make proper objections so that the visa refusal will not prevent your future husband from immigrating in the future. If you do nothing and only marry and reprocess on a spouse visa, the risk of denial is great. When a fiance visa is denied, the consulate is serious. They mean that they will not issue a visa for him and so marrying does not help much.
If you have an interest in working with me, you are welcome to call 1-888-483-0311 (toll free from the U.S.) and I will be glad to discuss proper steps to help increase chances of success in obtaining a fiance or spouse visa for your fiance. Kind regards, Allan
I went to the Philippines and married a woman there later I found that woman lied to me and in my opinion comitted fraud ….. I’m now a wanted man in the Philippines for abuse of the woman whom I was engaged to before the one I married ….. I have proof that the charges are all lies tape revordings and witnesses that prove that the ex lied in her police reports and in her affidavits to the court. …. due to obvious corruption there I had no choice but to return to America. …. Long story short 6 months after returning here I found out that my wife was the aunt of the ex and knew her before I married her. Im now here in the USA and have a marriage that was done in the Philippines can I marry a woman here legally and just forget that I was married in the Philippines… What possible ramifications could there be if I just ignore that marriage and married in theUSA
Brice, Marriage is according to the laws of the place of marriage. If you married in the Philippines, then you are married. Divorce is according to the place where each person resides. If you reside in the U.S. then you can divorce in the State in which you reside. Please contact a local divorce attorney and file for a divorce. I hope this helps. Kind regards, Allan
hi I’m Hazzel me and my husband married for 5 yrs now and I am residing here in the US as legal residence. My question is we got married in the Philippines is my marriage valid in the US already or we have to register it to make it valid? What are they things we should do for validation of our marriage? Thanks
So long as you married lawfully in the Philippines, then you are married worldwide. There is no need to remarry here. You can remarry if you like, but the legal marriage is done. Kindly, Allan
I have a bit of a complicated problem. My wife and I were married in Cyprus 4 years ago but now she no longer has the nationality or the name she was married under and so it is very difficult to match the marriage certificate to her. We asked about getting a new certificate under a new name and citizenship, but they told us we need to divorce and remarry. Would it be possible to simply go to the states and marry there or would the two marriages be conflicting even though they are between the same two people?
Randall, There is only one lawful marriage worldwide so if you married legally in Cyprus, then you are married. There is a separate question whether submission to an immigration agency of a remarriage in the U.S. instead of the Cyprus marriage is a misrepresentation for an immigration benefit. If so, there is a permanent bar from the U.S. for misrepresentation, married or not. I could make a good argument that this sort of tact would not meet the Federal definition of misrepresentation, but very likely the government will argue the other way, so the end result is added legal fees. It’s something to consider if other options are limited. I would prefer to try and reconcile the documents you have, and I am sure the government will not want to accept that reconciliation. If you have an interest in working with me on case processing, I’m glad to assist. None of this is new to me and I can likely be very helpful. Kind regards, Allan
I am trying to confirm whether my x wife was married abroad. How can I prove that? I believe it was either France or Spain.
Herb. You would need to check with a French or Spanish attorney, or contact the vital statistics registry in each country. Nearly all countries have a vital statistics office, so it’s a matter of figuring out how to contact them. Allan
Hi sir Allan good day. I’m 40, a filipino citizen and will be marrying a us citizen woman, 73 y/o here in the Philippines. Is it acceptable to the us government and not questionable if in case she will file a petition for me after 2 yrs upon marriage.?
My wife and I have dual nationalities. We just recently got married overseas. Do we need to register our marriage in the USA with our state General Attorney, with the court clerk, or social security Administrator?
I look forward to hearing from you
Best regards,
Habib, No. There is only one marriage worldwide. So long as your marriage was valid in the place of marriage and also it does not violate U.S. policy, then you are married. There is no need to register the marriage in the U.S. Kindly, Allan
John, It is not a problem to file for a marriage visa even though you have been married more than 2 years. However, the age difference will raise a question whether the relationship is genuine. You should be working with an attorney on this matter to determine chances of success. Kindly, Allan
Hi Allan, I’m planning to file a fiancé visa for my boyfriend who currently lives in dubai. I am not married but he is still legally married to his ex wife in the Philippines but more than three years seperated. Is it still okay for me to file a fiancé visa for him? If he’s still legally married but seperated in other country would he be able to get married here in the US? thank you
Mary, He is not eligible to marry, so you cannot apply to immigrate him as your fiance. It appears that he may be Filipino and married to another Filipina in the Philippines, correct? If so, he should try to divorce in the U.A.E. That’s a tricky country so he may not be able to divorce. If he can validly divorce outside the Philippines, then he can avoid the long annulment process in the Philippines. I’m available to help with case processing. If that is your interest you are welcome to call me to discuss further. Kindly, Allan
My husband is a US Immigrant,
He is also Filipino. We been married for almost 8yrs here in Philippines. It’s about a month without communication, He block my phone number. Im still here in Philippines.
If he able to get marry in US ? Just in case he wants to marry someone?
I know he plan to apply US Citizenship eventually.
I would like to know what is my right?
Is our marriage valid in US before he marry again?
Yes, your marriage is valid worldwide. He must divorce you or have the marriage annulled before he can have a new, valid marriage. If he marries without disclosing your current marriage, then the marriage is void. Kindly, Allan
How am I able to register my marriage that was conducted overseas? Where would I have to go for this? Thank you
Samuel, Please go to your local marriage registry in your state and inquire. For immigration purposes, it is not necessary to register your marriage in the U.S. Please follow up with me if you have an interest in working together on case processing. Very kindly, Allan
Is a Russian marriage certificate valid in the state of New York. I Am an American citizen who married a Russian in Russia. I was wondering if I need to marry her in the USA for the marriage to be considered valid in NY…
Michal, A marriage in Russia is valid worldwide if it is obtained according to the laws of Russia. Allan