Arguments before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal raised important questions about Presidential power and the safety of our nation. At issue is whether the President seeks to discriminate against Muslims in violation of the U.S. Constitution. Special Counsel August Flentje argued on behalf of Donald Trump and others that the President’s Executive Order does […]
Trump’s Executive Order basically excluding Muslims from the U.S., entitled “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States”
Many clients and others ask whether they should continue immigration processing or use international advance parole travel privileges, given the Executive Order issued by Donald Trump on January 27, 2017, that bars these 7 countries from entering the U.S. for a period of 4 months: Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. The fear […]
Kerry v. Din: What’s Left for the Family?
In Kerry v. Din, 576 U.S. (2015), the U.S. Supreme Court just decided that the U.S. consulate in Islamabad does not need to inform a U.S. citizen wife why her husband was denied an immigrant spouse visa. The grounds were based on National Security interests under 8 USC §1182(a)(3)(B). Din’s husband admitted that at one point […]
USCIS Electronic Information System: ELIS
After many years in the making, the USCIS is fast becoming an online paperless system of case processing. It is called Electronic Information System, or ELIS. Is this a good thing for consumers? Advantages: Overall, yes it’s good. We are now a technology based society. Consumers will be able to interface directly with immigration agencies […]
Obama Administration’s Secure Communities
The Obama Administration’s Secure Communities program can be a good way to deport those arrested by law enforcement who turn out to be in the U.S. illegally. When local police make an arrest, fingerprints are sent to an FBI data base to check for prior criminal conduct, warrants for arrest, and so forth. Under Secure […]